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This page lists common problems and their possible solutions, as well as known issues with specific apps.

#1 tip: PopClip should be running from the /Applications folder.

Before doing anything else, check if PopClip is running from your Applications folder. Not Desktop, Downloads or anywhere else. If it is not there, move it there.

Solutions to common problems

ProblemPossible Solution
Not all of the enabled actions are appearing in the PopClip bar.This is normal, because actions only appear when they are applicable. See: Why are some actions not appearing?
'Copy' action not working.This is a common problem just after upgrading macOS. Solution: Remove and re-add Accessibility permission.
Check whether you are using BetterMouse. If so, see compatibility with BetterMouse.
Problem using PopClip in a specific app.Check the App compatibility section to see if there is a known problem with that specific app.
Check whether you have excluded the app from PopClip. See: Excluded Apps pane.
Try quitting and restarting that app, then quitting and restarting PopClip.
PopClip bar doesn't appear when selecting text, in any app.Check that PopClip is turned "On". See: Turn PopClip On and Off. (Note that PopClip's keyboard shortcut still works when "Off".)
Check whether you have added any apps to PopClip's excluded apps list. You may have forgotten that you excluded some apps.
Check that PopClip has Accessibility permission. See: Grant Accessibility permission.
Check whether you have customized your mouse pointer using an app like MouseScape or Cursor Pro. PopClip cannot appear automatically if you have a custom mouse pointer.
Check whether you have set custom keyboard shortcuts for Cut, Copy and Paste. PopClip can only work if your systemwide keyboard shortcuts are the standard ⌘X, ⌘C and ⌘V.
Check whether you are using the 3rd party macOS extension "Add to Fantastical" which comes with Fantastical. This is in System Settings → Privacy & Security → Extensions → Installed extensions. PopClip may behave unreliably if this is enabled.
Try temporarily quitting any other background utility apps app that may be running. Perhaps something else is interfering with PopClip.
Check that you are running the latest version of PopClip.
Try quitting and restarting PopClip.
Try rebooting your Mac.
Delay before PopClip bar appears.If "3-finger drag" mode is enabled in Trackpad settings, there will be a delay. This can't be avoided because the delay is inserted by macOS.
PopClip bar disappearing too quickly.PopClip does not disappear on a timer, but only when you move the mouse away, click, scroll, or begin to type. (See: Make popclip disappear.) Keep the mouse near the PopClip bar to prevent it disappearing.
A specific extension is not working.Try downloading the latest version of the extension. (Note that extensions do not automatically update.)
PopClip app launches but no user interface appears.You may be using an icon-hider app to hide PopClip's menu bar icon. Disable it or configure it not to hide PopClip. See note.
PopClip has locked up / using 100% CPU.Force Quit PopClip using Activity Monitor. If this happens repeatedly, please report it and any steps that cause the lock-up.
A "click" or "purr" sound when selecting text.Check whether you are using either Alfred or LaunchBar, and have the clipboard merging feature enabled. The way PopClip works is triggering this feature, so you will need to disable it. The checkbox is "Fast append selected text" in Alfred and "Enable ClipMerge" in LaunchBar.
Keychain error when setting extension password or API key.This error may occur if the PopClip app package has become corrupted on disk, or if you are using a cracked version of PopClip. Download and install a fresh copy of latest official version of PopClip.
Miscellanous issuesCheck whether your PopClip app is outside your /Applications folder. If it is not there, move it there.

App compatibility

The following table lists apps that are known to have problems with PopClip.

2DoPopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
Adobe, all apps (Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.)PopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
AlacrittyPopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
Apple BooksPopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
BanktivityPopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
BarBeeWhen used to hide PopClip's menu bar icon, it may prevent PopClip's user interface appearing. Workaround: disable icon hiding for PopClip.(See note).Working on it
BartenderWhen used to hide PopClip's menu bar icon, it may prevent PopClip's user interface appearing. Workaround: disable icon hiding for PopClip. (See note).Working on it
BetterTouchToolWhen used to hide PopClip's menu bar icon, it may prevent PopClip's user interface appearing. Workaround: disable icon hiding for PopClip. (See note).Working on it
BetterMouseWith default settings, it will interfere with PopClip actions such as "Copy" and others.See workaround
Citrix ReceiverPopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
CollectorzPopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
CrossoverPopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
Cursor ProUsing this app to change the mouse cursor will cause PopClip to be unreliable or not appear at all.Can't fix
emacsPopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
FanstaticalPopClip may behave unreliably if the macOS extension "Add to Fantastical", which comes with Fantastical, is enabled. This is in System Settings → Privacy & Security → Extensions → Installed extensions.To be investigated
Final DraftPopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
iBarWhen used to hide PopClip's menu bar icon, it may prevent PopClip's user interface appearing. Workaround: disable icon hiding for PopClip. (See note).Working on it
IceWhen used to hide PopClip's menu bar icon, it may prevent PopClip's user interface appearing. Workaround: disable icon hiding for PopClip. (See note).Working on it
Hidden BarWhen used to hide PopClip's menu bar icon, it may prevent PopClip's user interface appearing. Workaround: disable icon hiding for PopClip. (See note).Working on it
JetBrains, all apps (IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm, etc.)PopClip will not appear automaticallty, but can be made to appear by using the keyboard shortcut or AppleScript trigger. (More info.)Can't fix
KeePassXPopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
Kindle for MacPopClip will not work in this app. ˚Can't fix
MacVIMPopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
Mail Perspectives 2PopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
Microsoft WordIn Word, text may be copied to the clipboard if you press delete or start typing after selecting text. As a workaround, you can add Word to PopClip's excluded apps list and trigger PopClip with the keyboard shortcut.Can't fix
MouseScapeUsing this app to change the mouse cursor will cause PopClip to be unreliable or not appear at all.Can't fix
Mozilla FirefoxPopClip will fail with certain Firefox extensions installed. Ones know to cause problems are: Tiny Menu, Menu Wizard.Can't fix
NeoOffice suitePopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
Oracle SQL DeveloperPopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
Parallels DesktopPopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
Pixelmator, Pixelmator ProPopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
QuarkXPressPopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
qutebrowserPopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
ReadKitPopClip will not work in this app.To be investigated
Revolver OfficePopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
ScreenPalPopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
ScreensPopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
SuperlistPopClip will not work in this app.To be investigated
Unity3DPopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
VanillaWhen used to hide PopClip's menu bar icon, it may prevent PopClip's user interface appearing. Workaround: disable icon hiding for PopClip. (See note).Working on it
vimPopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix
VMWarePopClip will not work in this app.Can't fix

Further information

Why are some actions not appearing?

Only Search and Copy are appearing! Is there something wrong?

To keep visual clutter down, PopClip's bar is context-sensitive; it only displays actions relevant to your current text selection. Here's a quick rundown:

  • Cut & Paste: They'll show up when you use PopClip in text-editing apps, like Mail or TextEdit. Don't expect them when selecting read-only text on webpages.

  • Open Link: Only visible when a URL is selected, e.g.,

  • Dictionary: Appears when a dictionary word is highlighted.

  • Reveal in Finder: This pops up for valid local file or folder paths, like ~/Documents/.

  • Spelling: For editable, misspelled words when there are correction suggestions in your set languages.

  • Extension-added actions: These also have specific conditions; they show up depending on their designed context.

If, after understanding the above, you believe an action should be visible but isn't, please provide details. Specify the action, the app you're in, and the exact text selected.

Remove and re-add Accessibility permission

The following procedure can help if PopClip is not working properly. It removes PopClip from the Accessibility permission list and then adds it again. It is most likely to be required after upgrading macOS from one version to another.

  1. Quit PopClip

  2. Go to System Settings → Privacy & Security → Accessibility

  3. In the list, highlight PopClip and then remove it using the "–" (minus) button. (Fully remove it, don't just uncheck it.)

Remove from the list with minus button
  1. Use the "+" (plus) button add PopClip again to the list.

A note about icon-hider apps

Bartender, Vanilla, Ice, Hidden Bar, BarBee, BetterTouchTool, iBar

Unfortunately, PopClip is currently incompatible with icon-hider apps such as Bartender. This is because PopClip always displays its menu below the current position of the menu bar icon. When Bartender and similar apps hide the icon, they actually move the icon offscreen. This causes PopClip to attempt to display its menu at offscreen coordinates, making the window invisible.

This issue is becoming more prevalent with the rising popularity of menu bar manager apps. I am currently working on a technical resolution for this problem to ship in a future update. In the meantime, I appreciate your patience with the current design.

Compatibility with BetterMouse

BetterMouse is a utility that allows you to customize your mouse behavior. When using BetterMouse with its default settings, it will interfere with some PopClip actions. You can configure BetterMouse to not interfere with PopClip according to the following instructions from the BetterMouse developer:

[…] the interference is brought by the click-through feature of BetterMouse. When you click the copy button of PopClip, BM will first try to activate PopClip and cause the cmd-C PopClip sends lose its target.

The solution is simple, just add an exception item of PopClip in BM and uncheck the left click-through toggle in the button binding panel.