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Download PopClip

Latest Release

PopClip 2024.12 Dec 18, 2024  Release notes
Requires macOS 10.15.7 or above. Processors: Intel 64-bit, Apple Silicon.
  Zip file, 3.91 Mb

Installation: Unzip and move the PopClip app to your Applications folder. See First Launch for the next steps.

Free Trial: PopClip operates in trial mode until you register a license key. The trial is fully functional and includes all features for 250 uses.

Other ways to get PopClip

If you're a Setapp Setapp subscriber, PopClip is included in your subscription. You can install PopClip from the Setapp app.

If you use Homebrew, you can install PopClip with the command brew install popclip.

App Store Information for Mac App Store customers

The latest version of PopClip is not available on the the Mac App Store. You can continue to receive PopClip updates by migrating to the Standalone edition.

Older Releases

This list gives the last supported release for each macOS version or processor type.

  • PopClip 2023.7 (Jul 18, 2023)
    Requires macOS 10.13.6 or above. Processors: Intel 64-bit, Apple Silicon.
     Zip file, 6.61 Mb
  • PopClip 2021.4 (Apr 30, 2021)
    Requires macOS 10.12.6 or above. Processors: Intel 64-bit, Apple Silicon.
     Zip file, 2.73 Mb
  • PopClip 1.5.8 (Oct 10, 2017)
    Requires macOS 10.9.5 or above. Processor: Intel 64-bit.
     Zip file, 1.83 Mb
  • PopClip 1.5.4 (Sep 8, 2015)
    Requires macOS 10.6.8 or above. Processor: Intel 64-bit.
     Zip file, 2.14 Mb
  • PopClip 1.4.9 (Oct 24, 2013)
    Requires macOS 10.6.8 or above. Processors: Intel 32-bit, Intel 64-bit.
     Zip file, 2.23 Mb

Download links for some further old versions are available on the Version History page.

License key for legacy macOS

You may use the following license key to unlock PopClip for free on any macOS version before 10.15: Download License Key (Install and run PopClip first, then save the .popcliplicense file and double-click it.)

Beta Release

See Beta.